Saturday, January 31, 2015

Nude a week 12: Standing girl, leaning against a wall - pastel

Girl standing pastel on olive paper

This is a pastel I drew in 2014.  I like the bright light I have got on her shoulder, breasts and thigh, and the shine in her hair. Olive pastel paper is a good choice for a colour nude.  I let the paper shine through as a colour; see the hair, the shoulder and the nearer leg.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Nude a week 11 (again!): Back view

Backview 15 minute pose done in sanguine conte

This was a back view sketch done in sanguine conte.  It was a 15 minute pose.

Apologies for the duplication of the picture yesterday!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Nude a week 11: Two poses on one piece of paper

Conte crayon on paper
Sorry we posted this one before!  A new one will go up today!

This was a very slender model who was extremely supple. The drawings were done in Grass Valley California.  This model got into some very unusual poses and I really enjoyed drawing her.  If the poses are short, I often draw several on one piece of paper as there is no time to change the paper.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Nude a week 10: Happy nude year!

Conté sketch of man kneeling and playing dice.
This sketch, drawn in three minutes using Sanguine Conté, puts me in mind of an ancient Greek concentrating as he makes a move playing a board game or throwing a dice on the ground.

A new year of nudes.  If Nick has got the coding right, this will appear on my Facebook page and my Facebook friends will have the benefit of the "Nude a week" that I'm putting up on my blog at the moment. (Nick got it wrong last time and the last post appeared on his Facebook page.)

Nick and I both wish you a happy nude year!!